Why Become a Beachbody Coach?

beachbody coaching featured image Remember a few  years back when scrapbooking was all the rage?  (This does relate to Beachbody coaching - I promise!)

I went to my first scrapbook class and fell in love. I thought "I want to do this." Not just to make colorful scrapbooks to organize my family's memories, but to help others learn how to do it too.

I didn't listen to the critical voice in my head that said "you can't do this." I pushed through the fear and said "yes" to my heart.

And I started teaching scrapbook classes.

When I learned that there was such a thing as Beachbody coaching, my first thought was "Yes! I want to do this!"

I wanted to help others simplify their eating and exercise and show them that it is possible to be totally imperfect and still reach their goals.

But this time the critical inner voice screamed at me.

That voice of doubt not only said "you can't do this" but shouted: "How can you lead others when you still struggle?  How can you encourage other women when you have a history of binge eating? Who will listen to you when you're 10 pounds over your goal weight - again?

What do you possibly have to offer the world?"

[clickToTweet tweet="Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will." quote="Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will."]

I was scared to death to take a leap of faith to become a coach.

But this time I had passion, and conviction and empathy.

I remembered how scared and alone I felt when I was obese. I couldn't forget how helpless I felt when I began yet another diet. I remembered how HARD it was to struggle every single day for an entire year to get to my goal weight.  And how hard it still is to keep the weight off.

Knowing there were other ladies out there, who were scared and alone and hopeless and could benefit from my encouragement, gave me the courage to say YES to becoming a Beachbody coach.

How cool is it to workout with 20,000 other Beachbody coaches at our national convention?? (Way cool!)

You know what? I still hear those critical voices in my head.

And then I get an email from one of my clients thanking me for helping them get back on track.  Or then I see a blog comment from someone saying my weight loss story has inspired them to start their own journey.

Or a challenger posts in one of my groups that she was tempted to skip her workout but did it anyway because she didn't want to let me or the group down.  Or one of the coaches on my team telling me they are grateful I believed in them.

And just like I tell my coaches, I say to you...

YOU have something valuable to offer the world.

Maybe you can encourage others to stick to their programs and meal plans. Just maybe someone out there will identify with YOUR story and YOUR struggles. And you can take their hand and help them live a healthier life, just as I do every day.

Being a Beachbody coach isn't about having a 6-pack or eating totally clean every single day, or even being at your goal weight. It's all about helping people achieve their goals to live a healthier life.  That's the Beachbody mission statement.

And how do I do that?  By encouraging others.  That's my #1 job description. I am a cheerleader.

become a coach button

You may or may not be an expert in health or fitness, but it doesn't matter.  You don't have to be an expert, nor do I.  I'm not a personal trainer.  Autumn Calabrese and Shaun T and Chalene Johnson are the trainers.  I'm not a dietitian.  Beachbody has nutrition experts write their meal plans.

I simply use my experience and my personal weight loss story to help encourage others.  That's it.

Are you an encourager?  If so, you are qualified to be a coach.

Do you have the drive to start your own business?  If so, you are qualified to be a coach.

Since saying "yes" to coaching, I've met so many incredible people, both online and in real life.  I earned enough with my Beachbody business to quit my full-time job.  And I have my own team of super amazing coaches that I train.

Would you like to join me?

Just like I do with my challengers, I will personally mentor and train you.  I want to help you build your own business that will make a difference in your life, and in the lives of others. I want to help you find your purpose in the world.  I want to help you pay off debt or have more financial freedom if that is your goal.

I am living out my dream as a Beachbody coach and blogger.  Isn't it time to live your dream too?

Just fill out the form below and I'll be in touch.  We can chat to see if coaching is something right for you.

Follow your heart and don't listen to those negative, discouraging voices :)

Beachbody Coach Jacqui Grimes