8 Ways To Fall In Love With Fitness All Over Again


Have you fallen out of love with fitness? Here are 8 ways to fall in love with fitness (or discover your passion for fitness if you haven't found it yet). WeighToMaintain.com Have you fallen out of love with fitness?  Is the spark GONE?

It’s easy to shake up your routine and fall in love with fitness again.

And if you're still searching for your fitness love and soulmate workout, these tips just might light the spark for a long-term relationship with exercise.

1.  Set New Goals

Your goals can be big or small.  Whether you want to do push ups on your toes, rock a pull up,  run a mile without stopping, or exercise five days per week, setting goals is a great way to get you motivated to move.

2.  Try Something New

Variety is the spice of your fitness life.  Try new and different activities.  You might surprise yourself and find an exercise you really love.  Where to get ideas?  Check out Pinterest, YouTube, classes at your local gym or studio.  Think outside the (Crossfit) box...what about dancing? Hiking?  Cycling - indoor or out? Have you tried looking at Personal Trainers?

3.  Take Up a Sport

Do you enjoy being a part of a team?  What about adult softball leagues?  Doubles tennis?  Running groups?  Golf or bowling leagues?  Masters swimming? Tennis Lessons in DC?  Don't limit yourself - try something fun.  I took up tae kwon do as a chubby adult and earned my black belt.  Proof that there's hope for all of us.  Team or individual sports will bring out your inner athlete, no matter what your skill level. You can be brand new to a sport but that doesn't matter. So if a life long dream of yours has been to play golf then go for it. Golfing has never been so easy, particularly as all these new golf rangefinders come with a slope function, this is incredibly helpful to up and coming golfers (and also people who have been golfing for years).

4.   Workout with a Friend

Fitness is more fun with a buddy!  Set walking or yoga dates with a friend, join a running club or do sprints in the park with your kids!  No local fit friends?  Join an online fitness group, like my Beachbody challenge groups, and make some new friends.

5.  Sign up for a Race/Competition

There are so many options for races, from family friendly 5k walks, to color runs or tough mudders.  Race a half marathon or go all the way and challenge yourself with a full.  Running not your thing?  Consider a triathlon (OK, so running is one-third of your tri) or biking event.  Enjoy weight lifting?  Lift heavy and strut your stuff in a bikini competition.

6.   Shop 'til You Drop Part 1:  Buy New Workout Equipment

Oh the possibilities are endless!   Outfit your home gym with a pull up bar, free weights, kettlebells, resistance bands or Bosu ball.  What about a new road bike??  Or a rack to show off your racing medals?

7.   Shop 'til You Drop Part 2:  Rock a New Exercise Outfit

Shopping for athletic clothes is even more fun!  I don't know about you, but I feel stronger, faster, more athletic (not to mention cute) when I wear something that looks good.  Think yoga capris, running shorts or skirts, strappy tank tops.  How about a bright pair of running shoes or my favorite piece of gear, a cool running jacket.  Strapped for cash?  Pick up a fun headband or colorful sports socks.

8.  Share Your Journey

Who doesn't love a sweaty selfie?  (Well you won't see many of me, but some people love 'em!)  Share your journey with friends and family on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.  Not only will you hold yourself accountable, entertain your peeps, but you will be inspiring people along the way.

All right, my fit friends....what have I missed?  I'd love for you to share YOUR favorite ways to fall in love with fitness all over again in the comments below!

Beachbody Coach Jacqui Grimes at Weigh to Maintain